Friday, November 14, 2014

X Division

The day was: November 13th 2005 ( TNA's Genesis)

Why I chose this moment in history: Because much like ECW and WCW people will let you know time and time again how TNA is better than WWE. The reason TNA is better apparently is the six sided ring, the superior athleticism their roster holds and less over the top story lines. The reason I chose this match is because it was for the X-division title, the x-division being unique to TNA.

Hipster side fact: This PPV was dedicated to Eddie Guerrero who died the same day

Match of the day: Aj Styles vs. Petey Williams for the X-division title

Winner (9 year spoiler) : AJ Styles

Quote of the match: "How did he get the kick up that high?!" Don West who sounded as if he would have an aneurism due to his shock and awe. . . -_- calm down dude there were 30 kicks just like that in the match 20 of which were just as unbelievably high.

(Not from the match just trying to prove a point AJ does do some awesome kicks the one Don freaked about was not nearly impressive.)

Opinion Observations:

- This crowd was the quietest crowd I've ever heard "Lets go AJ!" followed by "Lets go Petey!" Chants were about the rowdiest they got no overwhelming pop anywhere to be heard and honestly I thought the match deserved a more enthused crowd. There was some kid dressed as Jeff Hardy who looked as if he was going to fall asleep standing up though overzealous out Don West tried to sell him as having a concerned looked on his face.

- AJ always looks confused to me, everytime the camera hits his face he looks bambuzled constant puppy faced look of dumbfoundment. Perhaps after walking to the ring with an oversized unnecessary (But makes up for it in the cool looking department) hood, you need a few minutes to asses your souroundings.
-The Tag line of the X-division is "It's not about weight limits it's about no limits." Sounds intense sounds bold and bad ass . . . it's a cruiser weight division. I love cruiser weights, move wise I am always impressed by cruiser weights. There's no need to jazz up the title there's no need to give it a different name like you're fooling anyone. Call a spade a spade . . . don't try to sell it to me as if it's something new . . .  In summation it's a cruiser weight division.

- This match had all the things that I expected and was left wanting from the WCW match. It was fast it had dozens of roll ups, leg scissors and over the top flips and jumps.

- Don was right the kicks super high and super impressive especially AJ's Pele kick, we've all seen I missed a kick I'm gonna kick you again and pow . . . in your face kick. Pele kicks are just . . . cooler.

- Why does it seem like I have a figurative hard on for AJ Style's/ Because I did at some point in time watch and legitimately got into TNA and during that time the X-Division had two main stars Samoa Joe and the phenomenal AJ Styles. So maybe I still have a soft spot for the wrestler I remember. Or just was not impressed by Petey.

- Petey Williams just wants to be Bret Hart, which is fine . . . but you're not. Maybe being captain of Team Canada got to his head. Waving the Canadian flag, fine national pride. Singing oh Canada while standing on someone's junk, adding insult to injury kinda cool, and single most entertaining thing he did. Sharpshooter? I saw that and just went dude . . . trying too hard we get it Bret Hart the sequel. Sure the sharpshooter is a fairly popular move not only Bret Hart's but all the Canada all up in my grill stops me from thinking of anyone else.

- The only non Bret related moment that was notable from Petey was when he suplexed AJ onto the barrier, I actually rewound and watched it twice because one I wasn't expecting it and two it looked like it'd really fucking hurt. I should have known it was coming after the foreshadowing comment that came minutes before when Aj launched himself on Petey and the barrier. "If he had hit his back striaght on he'd be out of there." And low and behold straight on his back.

- Perhaps Petey used the sharpshooter not to emulate Bret Hart (doubtful) but because his finisher as well as AJ's finisher were just too hard to . . . finish. Petey tried his Canadian Destroyer I think once and it ended in a epic fail just crashed and burned. On the flip side AJ tried to set up his Styles Clash pretty much anytime he was standing and not kicking people, only actually performing it once granted it helped him win the match but after hearing "He's going for the styles clash!" Like 30 times If I didn't see it I wouldn't be disappointed I'd be pissed.

Other show observations:

- One thing TNA has over WWE in leaps and bounds (In my opinion) ? Better music

Though after listening to this compilation of older and more recent songs I do realize a lot of them are fairly similar . . . but still like them than most WWE themes.

- I got to see my two other favorite TNA stars from the short period I watched it:
 Samoa Joe who was probably my number one whom at Genesis broke the unspoken rules of the x-division according to a slightly over dramatic AJ Styles, but then again Samoa Joe was a little over dramatic when he came out during AJ's match with his blood covered towel and a intense scowl. 

Abyss who was probably my number two (AJ being number three) who wrestled Sabu slamming the Houdini of hardcore into a barbed wire (Which Abyss was terrified of for some reason I was not privy to) wrapped steel chair for the victory.

Watching all this almost makes me want to get into TNA again . . . almost not willing to dedicate that kind of time yet. Also dedicated too much time to this post probably should wrap it up then.

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