Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Three way dance

The Day was: Sunday November 7th 1999 (ECW's November to remember.)

Why I chose this moment in history: It's been brought to my attention how far superior the original ECW was to WWE so I thought I'd check the differences out for myself. The match I chose had a title i wasn't privy to ( the three way dance.) The match I chose featured my favorite mid card wrestler in the WWE  Yoshihiro Tajiri.

Match of the day: Pretty much spelled it out for you already but it was a three way dance match Jerry Lynn vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Super Crazy.

Pause for props: The internet wrestling database the site I go to when I need to find the match I haven't seen that I want to watch:  Internet wrestling database

Winner: (15 year spoiler) : Jerry Lynn

I remember when: WWE superstars were better on ECW

Hipster side fact: Yoshihiro Tajiri showed up first in 1997 in the WWF. He was a main roster in 2001. He left in 2005 so I've been lying to you all this time I had to have been watching in 2004 or 05 not 2006 like I previously stated.

Quote of the match: "Japanese wrestlers are the smartest wrestlers in the world ..." Continues hyping " that's why my man the Japanese buzsaw is the real king of the 3 way." I'm slightly immature because that statement made me giggle. But perhaps Chris Candido didn't have to yell.
It seemed "His man." Was getting a headache from all the shouting. remember dude, you have a mic.

3 way dance

Opinion observations:
- I supposed I'm used to WWE's huge arena's pyros titatron ect. ect. that this environment seems underwhelming. One could say that all that pomp and circumstance takes away from the match itself, perhaps it's something I'll have to get accustomed to. In my opinion it's kind of one of those "you had to be there" moments. I have gone to a wrestling event that took place in a half wrestling venue half hair salon, with maybe twenty people at best in the "audience" but it had it's own excitement and charm because you felt you were a part of something unique, but I digress.

-  One non wrestling thing is transcendent small ring huge ring it doesn't matter: Tagiri's green Mist it's just cool no matter what. It also takes some dedication cause, rest of the match it looks like you guzzled that weird green ketchup (For some reason that's what I think of when I see it.)
                                      (I know that's not ECW . . . funny all the same though.)
- So I also noticed . . . I had completely forgotten Supercrazy, when he entered the ring I was like hey I remember that guy!

- The guy I didn't know and for that reason didn't really care about? The winner of the match Jerry Lynn to me he was forgettable and I just kept my eyes on the other two he did do a cool tiltawhirl I'll give hm that .

-Another thing I will give ECW over WWE when the match spills over outside of the ring (Which they wasted no time doing.) it seems far more organic. In WWE it seems like superstars screaming "Look at me Look at me. I'm such a badass don't you see how badass I am? Just threw that guy into some steps . . . pretty badass right?" In ECW it seemed that the wrestler's didn't care if you watched what they did, so long as you appreciated the aftermath.

-  One move it seems everyone does that's pretty impressive and smile inducing moonsaults that the man is left standing afterwards, they just stand there hands in the air like "Yeah I did that." Supercrazy's was probably the best.

- Another move I really enjoy though slightly impractical? The apparently trademarked Tarantula which is technically a Boston crab using the ropes.

- A move I didn't really understand? Supercrazy's Surfboard, I didn't get what it was really supposed to accomplish, it actually looked kind of fun.

- Everyone laid down some supercool kicks throughout the match.

- Though tajiri had the flashy moves down Supercrazy seemed to have some less flashy but equally impressive bruising moves.

- All in all it was a really cool match the tempo of the match above all was what made the match, it was short sweet and seamless, you had to watch it before it was over, not had to, wanted to.

Other show notes: It's the first time I had ever seen or heard of for that matter someone using a vacuum cleaner in a match. New Jack agressively introduced said vaccum to Baldie's member Angel's groin. That sucks. Ha See what I did there?

Bad joke done, and so is this post.

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