Saturday, November 1, 2014

What is a wrestling Hipster?

How do you define a wrestling hipster? With one open ended statement: "Today's wrestling is garbage. I used to love it, back in the day when . . ." Insert random match, wrestler or event or your choosing, as obscure as possible ideally.

 What's wrong with having an opinion? What's wrong with being knowledgeable of something you are or were a fan of? Nothing everyone is entitled to an opinion, I'm not even saying I disagree 100 % with that opinion some stuff now is garbage, some older matches were beyond awesome. Nothing is wrong with being nostalgic and remembering great moments in wrestling history. It's the condescending look and follow up statement "I can't believe you never saw . . ." Insert match or segment or wrestler that you are banking on the person your conversing with doesn't know . . . because you're the better fan. And if you are talking to me. you have a 96 percent chance that your hunch will be right.

I will freely admit, I am a late bloomer I suppose. I only really began a consistent fan of wrestling in the mid 2000's, if I was put on the spot to be more specific I would say sometime in 2006, a random raw, the first match I saw being between Kane and Jericho. Don't remember that specific minute match? Guess I'm a better wrestling fan than you. So yes I missed the Golden era, The attitude era, the ruthless aggression era (Hell I didn't even know that was a thing.) I missed them all. Now seeing as I don't live under an Amish rock, I have ventured into wikipedia, fallen in to the black hole that is youtube. I have enlightened myself in bits and pieces. Though I'm not entirely oblivious I will concede I am not a wealth of wrestling knowledge. I will never hold my own against a wrestling hipster. Yet!

For you see my plans are not to simply bash on Hipsters, while refusing to better myself. If you can't beat them join them . . . sort of. I plan on going in the way back machine, seeing what happened, getting my learn on, and honestly just be entertained via things I never knew about. I want to make up my own opinion, from my own point of view, my own tastes. I because step two of my plan is to become more egotistical than any hipster could ever be, I want to blog about it as if my opinion matters.

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