Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Flair for the gold

The Day was: November 24th, 1983 (NWA starrcade.)

Why I chose this moment in history: Starrcade was supposed to be the NWA then WCW's answer to Wrestlmania and 1983's Starrcade was the first of it's kind. I figured if Wrestlmania is / was the creme de la creme of WWE / WWF it's important to watch the competitor's equivalent.I chose this match because . . . well I didn't want to chose this match I had another in mind but this was the main event to the first starrcade so I felt obligated to.

Hipster side fact: Starrcade was the brain child of Dusty Rhodes

Match of the day: Harley Race vs Ric Flair

(Could only find small clip) watched the rest on WWE Network which if no one has told you was only 9.99

Winner (31 year spoiler alert): Ric Flair

Quote of the match: "If Race can go the hour and Flair cannot get the pinfall then Race retains the title." A state the obvious statement about a title match with a 60 minute time limit and Race as the reigning champion. There were a lot of quotes like that such as "Whoever has the most intensity will win." The announcers sounded more like baseball comentators than wrestling annoncers not sure if that was the norm for the time but boy was it dry.

Opinion / Observations:

- I've made plently of comments on how arenas and other aesthetic points but I had no illusions that the 1983 show would have the same look as a modern day wrestlemania or any wrestling show for that matter. Flairs weird laser light show and fog machine bonanza proved me right.

- Even though the venue seemed small and underwhelming the fans . . . still more jazzed than the TNA fans at Genesis. Flair recieved a huge pop as his music played.

- Race got a lot less love . . . and fog. No fog, no lasers no theme music but plenty of boos. 

- There was no need to put a sixty minute time limit on this match they would have taken sixty minutes regardless from beginning to end it was glacially slow.

- Was informative letting me know how much the belt weighed like eleven times, 10 lbs of gold if you're curious.
- There was a nice looking flying headbutt, which made me wonder has that move more or less gone the way of the dodo because of Chris Benoit a move that at least I associate with him.

- Ric Flair's chops were loud and profound as always so much so he slapped the spit and quite possibly the taste out of Race's mouth.

- His Wooos were equally loud and the ladies were really loving it.

- Race tried to put Flair into a pile driver position, it failed but it didn't stop Flair from flopping around on the floor like a fish out of water.

- There was a lot of bleeding, all over the place even on one of the cameras. I'm assuming they cut themselves or had enough blood packets to film the next saw movie. Ric Flair bleeds every time he sneezes as far as I've noticed.
- One move I did think looked really pretty was a swinging neck breaker.

- Less impressive move a second rope diving headbutt

- At one moment the special referee Gene Kiniski legit was pulling people by their hair to get them off their opponent, not used to a special referee not having their own agenda, this guy was just enforcing the rules at whatever cost.

- Flair used a cross body from the top rope for the win, just shy of the sixty minute mark.

Other show observations:

- You can definetly tell Bob Orton is Randy Ortons father even with the weird perm thing he was rocking at the time.

- And you can also tell while as Dusty Rhodes challenged the winner of the cage match, that he loves him some poppin yellow aviators, and talkin mad jive.

- The match I had truthfully wanted to review was the dog collar match between Rowdy Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine.

- In the pre match weird glamour shot video thing Piper had a huge cocky grin while Valentine stared vapidly at the camera.

- The match started with a tug of war between the chain.

- This match was much faster than the main even though ironically no time limit.

- Also sold their moves much better in my opinion, guess it's easier when you're beating someone with a metal chain using it as a whip and choking people with it.

- I've heard of people working an injured leg, shoulder, back but never an ear. Throughout the match Valentine was working on Piper's previously injured ear aparently throwing off his equilibrium and whatnot.

- And the gratuitous bleeding again (or first took place if you look at the order of matches) maybe Flair and Race thought they had to top the blood spree.

- Piper ended up with the win
- See those friends there? Horrible horrible friends after the match is over Valentine goes back for Piper and those friends just peaced out doing absolutely nothing to help.

- But Piper was not to be deterred he won the battle and the war because he was the one left standing in the middle of the ring whipping the chain back and forth . . . it was kind of badass.

- My point being I thought this match was leaps and bounds better than the main event. Not sure if when the middle is better than the finale it's a good sign but I suppose it doesn't really matter the placement as long as there's something interesting to watch. Everything needs a beginning middle and end including this post so I bid you adieu.

Friday, November 14, 2014

X Division

The day was: November 13th 2005 ( TNA's Genesis)

Why I chose this moment in history: Because much like ECW and WCW people will let you know time and time again how TNA is better than WWE. The reason TNA is better apparently is the six sided ring, the superior athleticism their roster holds and less over the top story lines. The reason I chose this match is because it was for the X-division title, the x-division being unique to TNA.

Hipster side fact: This PPV was dedicated to Eddie Guerrero who died the same day

Match of the day: Aj Styles vs. Petey Williams for the X-division title

Winner (9 year spoiler) : AJ Styles

Quote of the match: "How did he get the kick up that high?!" Don West who sounded as if he would have an aneurism due to his shock and awe. . . -_- calm down dude there were 30 kicks just like that in the match 20 of which were just as unbelievably high.

(Not from the match just trying to prove a point AJ does do some awesome kicks the one Don freaked about was not nearly impressive.)

Opinion Observations:

- This crowd was the quietest crowd I've ever heard "Lets go AJ!" followed by "Lets go Petey!" Chants were about the rowdiest they got no overwhelming pop anywhere to be heard and honestly I thought the match deserved a more enthused crowd. There was some kid dressed as Jeff Hardy who looked as if he was going to fall asleep standing up though overzealous out Don West tried to sell him as having a concerned looked on his face.

- AJ always looks confused to me, everytime the camera hits his face he looks bambuzled constant puppy faced look of dumbfoundment. Perhaps after walking to the ring with an oversized unnecessary (But makes up for it in the cool looking department) hood, you need a few minutes to asses your souroundings.
-The Tag line of the X-division is "It's not about weight limits it's about no limits." Sounds intense sounds bold and bad ass . . . it's a cruiser weight division. I love cruiser weights, move wise I am always impressed by cruiser weights. There's no need to jazz up the title there's no need to give it a different name like you're fooling anyone. Call a spade a spade . . . don't try to sell it to me as if it's something new . . .  In summation it's a cruiser weight division.

- This match had all the things that I expected and was left wanting from the WCW match. It was fast it had dozens of roll ups, leg scissors and over the top flips and jumps.

- Don was right the kicks super high and super impressive especially AJ's Pele kick, we've all seen I missed a kick I'm gonna kick you again and pow . . . in your face kick. Pele kicks are just . . . cooler.

- Why does it seem like I have a figurative hard on for AJ Style's/ Because I did at some point in time watch and legitimately got into TNA and during that time the X-Division had two main stars Samoa Joe and the phenomenal AJ Styles. So maybe I still have a soft spot for the wrestler I remember. Or just was not impressed by Petey.

- Petey Williams just wants to be Bret Hart, which is fine . . . but you're not. Maybe being captain of Team Canada got to his head. Waving the Canadian flag, fine national pride. Singing oh Canada while standing on someone's junk, adding insult to injury kinda cool, and single most entertaining thing he did. Sharpshooter? I saw that and just went dude . . . trying too hard we get it Bret Hart the sequel. Sure the sharpshooter is a fairly popular move not only Bret Hart's but all the Canada all up in my grill stops me from thinking of anyone else.

- The only non Bret related moment that was notable from Petey was when he suplexed AJ onto the barrier, I actually rewound and watched it twice because one I wasn't expecting it and two it looked like it'd really fucking hurt. I should have known it was coming after the foreshadowing comment that came minutes before when Aj launched himself on Petey and the barrier. "If he had hit his back striaght on he'd be out of there." And low and behold straight on his back.

- Perhaps Petey used the sharpshooter not to emulate Bret Hart (doubtful) but because his finisher as well as AJ's finisher were just too hard to . . . finish. Petey tried his Canadian Destroyer I think once and it ended in a epic fail just crashed and burned. On the flip side AJ tried to set up his Styles Clash pretty much anytime he was standing and not kicking people, only actually performing it once granted it helped him win the match but after hearing "He's going for the styles clash!" Like 30 times If I didn't see it I wouldn't be disappointed I'd be pissed.

Other show observations:

- One thing TNA has over WWE in leaps and bounds (In my opinion) ? Better music

Though after listening to this compilation of older and more recent songs I do realize a lot of them are fairly similar . . . but still like them than most WWE themes.

- I got to see my two other favorite TNA stars from the short period I watched it:
 Samoa Joe who was probably my number one whom at Genesis broke the unspoken rules of the x-division according to a slightly over dramatic AJ Styles, but then again Samoa Joe was a little over dramatic when he came out during AJ's match with his blood covered towel and a intense scowl. 

Abyss who was probably my number two (AJ being number three) who wrestled Sabu slamming the Houdini of hardcore into a barbed wire (Which Abyss was terrified of for some reason I was not privy to) wrapped steel chair for the victory.

Watching all this almost makes me want to get into TNA again . . . almost not willing to dedicate that kind of time yet. Also dedicated too much time to this post probably should wrap it up then.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lucha libre

The day was: Monday November 11th 1996 (WCW's Monday night Nitro)

Why I chose this moment in history: Everyone speaks so highly of the prolific Monday night wars, I've seen episode after episode of raw I need to experience the flip side of the coin and watch an episode or two of NITRO. The reason I chose this match is one because I know Rey, two I thought Ciclope's ring attire was cool.

Match of the day: Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. Ciclope

Winner (18 Year spoiler): Rey Mysterio Jr.

I remember when: The Mondays night wars heightened the entertainment level of professional wrestling 

Lucha Libre

 Hipster side fact: Both Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ciclope (better known currently as Halloween) were trained by Rey Mysterio Sr. (Not Juniors father but uncle.)

Quote of the match:"Are you sure it isn't cyclops . . . e?" Larry Zbyszko. In his defense he was basically right kinda . . . Ciclope is Spanish for cyclops hence one eyed ring gear. Just sounded kinda funny . . . tad bit racist but tad bit funny.

Lucha Libre

Opinion / Observations:
- In contrast to the ECW show I watched this was something I was more used to aesthetically.

- The match itself I didn't find all that interesting, I was expecting a super fast pace, tons of spins and flipping, sure there was some of all that but not enough I preferred the ECW match.

- Remember how I had said I chose this match due to Ciclope's ring gear? Well the allure wore off quickly it got more and more stupid as the match went on. The whole eye above the eyes thing did kind of mess with you though. And what messes with you more is his tongue, the mask illusion he was rocking accentuated the weirdness of Ciclope licking Rey's head while keeping the small man in a submission hold.

- The moves that were impressive during the match were the sunset flip / power bomb Ciclope exceuted with both men out of the ring. Rey performing a diving crossbody again . . . outside the ring. As well as the leg scissors Rey used to you guessed it pull Ciclope out of the ring.

- What was more interesting than the amount of people watching the match. Not just me not just the fans but the amount of wrestlers that came to watch the match. First there was the Ultimo Dragon (who had 8 belts at the time . . . just impressive) and his manager. Than there was Dean Malenko walked out standing at the end of the ramp. THEN Psicosis came out to watch Dean Malenko watch the match. In the most intense 90's jeans and the copatively way cooler Luchador mask.

- All in all look wise, what I used to, spectator wise intense, match wise sub par.

Other show notes:

- Unlike the previous shows ( two shows ) I watched and reviewed I didn't quickly check out after the selected match, I watched the rest of Nitro and I did find genuinely the show.

- I found it hilarious as the announcer explained that Wrestling had been brought to the internet via WCW's websiite. "On the World wide web." The screenshot of the website in today's eyes looked . . . anchient and sad but at the time this was innovative and awe inspiring, as was this whole new internet sensation.

- The NWO was supposed to be bad ass and bully's and what not, but X-Pac is . . . just a tool. I was taken out the whole NWO storyline just staring at X-Pac sticking his tongue out and being obnoxious. All I could think was . . . "This dude is a tool."

- Virgil or Vincent as he was in WCW Ted Diabiase's man servent of whatever on the other hand looked less like a tool in his NWO outfit maybe sleveaves helped.

- And there was a man with full sleves of hair . . . one of the furriest wrestlers I've ever seen Miguel Perez

-  Another look and all together impressive wrestler that I want to watch more of? Zero ( Chigusa Nagayo) A big brute of a woman who predated Awesome Kong and even Chyna  . . . I honestly did think she was a dude at first but in a weird way it made her even cooler.

And will end with one last photo of someone who I think trancends all comapanys all decades all tads and decor Jimmy Hart

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Three way dance

The Day was: Sunday November 7th 1999 (ECW's November to remember.)

Why I chose this moment in history: It's been brought to my attention how far superior the original ECW was to WWE so I thought I'd check the differences out for myself. The match I chose had a title i wasn't privy to ( the three way dance.) The match I chose featured my favorite mid card wrestler in the WWE  Yoshihiro Tajiri.

Match of the day: Pretty much spelled it out for you already but it was a three way dance match Jerry Lynn vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Super Crazy.

Pause for props: The internet wrestling database the site I go to when I need to find the match I haven't seen that I want to watch:  Internet wrestling database

Winner: (15 year spoiler) : Jerry Lynn

I remember when: WWE superstars were better on ECW

Hipster side fact: Yoshihiro Tajiri showed up first in 1997 in the WWF. He was a main roster in 2001. He left in 2005 so I've been lying to you all this time I had to have been watching in 2004 or 05 not 2006 like I previously stated.

Quote of the match: "Japanese wrestlers are the smartest wrestlers in the world ..." Continues hyping " that's why my man the Japanese buzsaw is the real king of the 3 way." I'm slightly immature because that statement made me giggle. But perhaps Chris Candido didn't have to yell.
It seemed "His man." Was getting a headache from all the shouting. remember dude, you have a mic.

3 way dance

Opinion observations:
- I supposed I'm used to WWE's huge arena's pyros titatron ect. ect. that this environment seems underwhelming. One could say that all that pomp and circumstance takes away from the match itself, perhaps it's something I'll have to get accustomed to. In my opinion it's kind of one of those "you had to be there" moments. I have gone to a wrestling event that took place in a half wrestling venue half hair salon, with maybe twenty people at best in the "audience" but it had it's own excitement and charm because you felt you were a part of something unique, but I digress.

-  One non wrestling thing is transcendent small ring huge ring it doesn't matter: Tagiri's green Mist it's just cool no matter what. It also takes some dedication cause, rest of the match it looks like you guzzled that weird green ketchup (For some reason that's what I think of when I see it.)
                                      (I know that's not ECW . . . funny all the same though.)
- So I also noticed . . . I had completely forgotten Supercrazy, when he entered the ring I was like hey I remember that guy!

- The guy I didn't know and for that reason didn't really care about? The winner of the match Jerry Lynn to me he was forgettable and I just kept my eyes on the other two he did do a cool tiltawhirl I'll give hm that .

-Another thing I will give ECW over WWE when the match spills over outside of the ring (Which they wasted no time doing.) it seems far more organic. In WWE it seems like superstars screaming "Look at me Look at me. I'm such a badass don't you see how badass I am? Just threw that guy into some steps . . . pretty badass right?" In ECW it seemed that the wrestler's didn't care if you watched what they did, so long as you appreciated the aftermath.

-  One move it seems everyone does that's pretty impressive and smile inducing moonsaults that the man is left standing afterwards, they just stand there hands in the air like "Yeah I did that." Supercrazy's was probably the best.

- Another move I really enjoy though slightly impractical? The apparently trademarked Tarantula which is technically a Boston crab using the ropes.

- A move I didn't really understand? Supercrazy's Surfboard, I didn't get what it was really supposed to accomplish, it actually looked kind of fun.

- Everyone laid down some supercool kicks throughout the match.

- Though tajiri had the flashy moves down Supercrazy seemed to have some less flashy but equally impressive bruising moves.

- All in all it was a really cool match the tempo of the match above all was what made the match, it was short sweet and seamless, you had to watch it before it was over, not had to, wanted to.

Other show notes: It's the first time I had ever seen or heard of for that matter someone using a vacuum cleaner in a match. New Jack agressively introduced said vaccum to Baldie's member Angel's groin. That sucks. Ha See what I did there?

Bad joke done, and so is this post.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Birth of a Dead Man

The day was: Thursday November 22nd 1990 (Survivor series.)

Why I chose this moment in history: It's my birth year so this as far in the past as I can say "When I was young" and it actually being factually accurate. Truthfully I was born in april so I have a few back in my day's saved for later.

Match of the day: The Undertaker, Greg Valentine, The Honkey Tonk Man and Ted Diabiase Vs. Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes, Jim Neidhart and Koko B Ware

Winner (24 year spoiler alert in the making.) : The Million Dollar Team

I remember when: The Undertaker made his televised debut.
Hipster side fact: Undertaker originally had a first name. Cain. Guess the WWF liked it so much they used it twice.
Quote of the match: Gorilla: There's only supposed to be four members on a team; this guy makes four and a half, maybe five.

Million Dollar Team Vs. Dream Team

Opinion / Observations:

-If this match is any indication of the Undertaker's early WWF years, this has the possibility to be my favorite Undertaker. From his simple ring gear especially appreciate the giant ass tie and the business In the front and funeral party in the back mullet. In this match he really embodied that stoic, basically soulless demeanor. His slow but powerful ring action had it's desired effect of portraying imposing force. The Undertaker I was introduced to over a decade later, still great, still intimidating but to me it wasn't the same sense of awe and a little bit of fear he exuded in his early years. It was more so "check out the badass who destroys everyone in his path and has a bitchin fog machine." In my frequent youtubing I've seen matches from a few different manifestations of the Undertaker but early Undertaker and Ministry of Darkness Undertaker are the two I know the least about so perhaps I'm jumping the gun just a smidge.

-  I did not know that Paul Bearer wasn't by Undertaker's side from the very beginning. It was interesting and somewhat amusing to see what seemed to be the out of place Brother Love at Undertaker's side, all red faced and spastic while Undertaker lurched around ambivalent.

- Koko B. Ware is an awesome name . . . and that's all I have to say about that.

- Ted DiBiase's "Bodyguard" Virgil . . . weirds me out. I don't think it's his persona that's odd to me I get it, and if it didn't work they wouldn't use that same idea over and over and over again. What is it about Virgil I don't like then? As shallow as it is to me overtime I saw him all I could think is: " Dude you got a weird face and the rose colored sleeveless tuxedo . . . thing is doing you no favors either." And I get it that's the look they were going for man servant pool boy thing, still distracting to look at.

- Heard Ted DiBiase's theme for the first time, and I love it so much it was great.

Other Show notes: The other debut of the night, of which people forget the Gobbledy Gooker (of whom I had never heard of till I watched WWE Countdown's infamous gimmicks.) The egg cracks slowly, dramatically and out pops the . . . turkey. "Don't tell me you're the Gobbledy Gooker" Mean Gene spoke as if it was a huge deal. "Oh no, oh the humanity the Gobbledy Gooker . . . thing person I totally have heard legends about." Said no one ever. There was some scattered I guess what could be called cheers. Then some awkward dancing. Followed by some super impressive rolls. Mean Gene bouncing off the ropes tripped and fell and did a more impressive (and by impressive I mean hilarious) roll of his own. More hoedown dancing and rolling and cartwheels before the painful segment came to a odd close.

Gobbledy Gooker

Another odd close? This post.

What is a wrestling Hipster?

How do you define a wrestling hipster? With one open ended statement: "Today's wrestling is garbage. I used to love it, back in the day when . . ." Insert random match, wrestler or event or your choosing, as obscure as possible ideally.

 What's wrong with having an opinion? What's wrong with being knowledgeable of something you are or were a fan of? Nothing everyone is entitled to an opinion, I'm not even saying I disagree 100 % with that opinion some stuff now is garbage, some older matches were beyond awesome. Nothing is wrong with being nostalgic and remembering great moments in wrestling history. It's the condescending look and follow up statement "I can't believe you never saw . . ." Insert match or segment or wrestler that you are banking on the person your conversing with doesn't know . . . because you're the better fan. And if you are talking to me. you have a 96 percent chance that your hunch will be right.

I will freely admit, I am a late bloomer I suppose. I only really began a consistent fan of wrestling in the mid 2000's, if I was put on the spot to be more specific I would say sometime in 2006, a random raw, the first match I saw being between Kane and Jericho. Don't remember that specific minute match? Guess I'm a better wrestling fan than you. So yes I missed the Golden era, The attitude era, the ruthless aggression era (Hell I didn't even know that was a thing.) I missed them all. Now seeing as I don't live under an Amish rock, I have ventured into wikipedia, fallen in to the black hole that is youtube. I have enlightened myself in bits and pieces. Though I'm not entirely oblivious I will concede I am not a wealth of wrestling knowledge. I will never hold my own against a wrestling hipster. Yet!

For you see my plans are not to simply bash on Hipsters, while refusing to better myself. If you can't beat them join them . . . sort of. I plan on going in the way back machine, seeing what happened, getting my learn on, and honestly just be entertained via things I never knew about. I want to make up my own opinion, from my own point of view, my own tastes. I because step two of my plan is to become more egotistical than any hipster could ever be, I want to blog about it as if my opinion matters.