Friday, January 23, 2015

Royal Rumble Drinking game

I know this blog is for reviewing older matches from different eras but I'm just so pumped for the royal rumble I have every intention of sitting down eating pizza (maybe even stuffed crust Seth Rollins) and drinking beer while watching the PPV. But drinking all regular like is not very hip and cool of me so I've decided to challenge myself and possible others to a Royal rumble drinking game I've compiled some rules from various game templets (Surprisingly I'm not the first person to think of this) and added some of my own.I'm going to give it a whirl and invite you to do the same, let me know if there are any rules to be added or removed so I can improve on it for next year's night of drinking.

And for continuities sake Hipster side fact:


One sip

1) Every time a commentator reminds us that "it's every man for himself."
2) Every time Kane eliminates someone
3) Every time Roman reigns eliminates someone
4) Every time the WWE network is mentioned
5) Every time "twitter" or "trending" is mentioned

Two sips
1) if the ring gets cleared of all but one or if you really need a drink that bad 2 participants
2) whenever 4 or more wrestlers band together to eliminate a fat guy.
3) Someone is almost eliminated but jumps or lifts himself back in
4) Drink every time someone hits their finisher in the Rumble match.
5) When a champion of any sort comes out (Tag IC US hell diva for all I care)

Three sips

1) When a surprise entrant comes out
2) When your least favorite wrestler is eliminated
3) When your favorite wrestler comes to the ring
4 ) Every time the "lucky" number 27 is mentioned
5) When a eliminated wrestler takes revenge

Finish your drink or do a shot

1) When your favorite wrestler gets eliminated
2) If the person you predicted would win the rumble gets eliminated
3) whenever anyone gets eliminated in less than 10 seconds.
4) whenever the fans cheer a heel or boo a face
5) If someone starts bleeding
6) When participant 30 comes out

Have fun!

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