Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Stinger

The day was: January 30th 1991 (Clash of champions XVI: Dixie Dynamite)

Why I chose this moment in history: Everyone is all but creaming their pants over Sting's presence in the WWE and how monuments and awesome this is.

I never watched WCW the only Sting I watched first hand was during the short period of time I watched TNA so I decided to watch some original Sting to get some perspective on how truly awesome he was / is.

Hipster side fact: This Clash of champions was the first to air after WCW left the NWA

Match of the day: Sting and Lex Luger vs. DOOM

First match

Winner: (24 year spoiler alert) Sting and Lex Luger

Quote of the match: This quote was actually more the quote of the whole night, each time I heard it I chuckled a little bit. Dusty Rhodes let us know through out the entire program that you could call a number and talk to Ric Flair . . . 2 dollars for the first minute and 45 cents for every additional minutes, what a steal.

Opinion / Observations:

- The cheesy opening and confederate flag gave me little hope as to how the following hours would go.

- Following that was the national anthem played by three band kids with some fierce 90's hair cuts and no ability to hold a tune.

- The ramp in the arena was . . . like 3 feet long, at that point honestly why have a ramp?

- Remember how I said it was weird seeing Teddy Long as a ref. well it's doubly weird to see him as the manager of DOOM

- Like I said the only sting I knew was the 'Crow' like version seeing him with the bleach blonde high top and tucan looking face paint it's like night and day . . . he sure looked a lot happier then. I understand it was a character change but I wonder if he ever misses being happy

- Lot of traditional Greco Roman moves, don't see that as much now a days . . . except for suplexes see a lot of those.

- This match made it clear why tag teams normally have one big guy and one smaller or faster or flashier guy because in this match it was three big bulky guys and sting. It was a lot of move for move shove for shove seeing which wall of muscle would move first to me it was quite boring I lost interest quickly.

- The anouncers kept pushing how awesome it was that Luger, Reed and Simmons used to play football, I'm fifty fifty on how AWESOME that is, for some wrestlers it makes them powerhouses for others it just makes them linebackers in a ring.

- Dusty letting the audience at home that Luger is "All man." was . . . odd.

- Finally Sting came out and sped up this painfully slow match doing double clotheslines, dropkicks and such what do they do?  Pan away from the action and focus back in on Luger.

- Dan Spivey who had an intresting mullet chaps combo came out to beat the tar out of Lex and peace out.

- The match ended due to a DQ because being tossed over the top rope is illegal I guess.

-  The only redeeming quality of this match was the small amount of time Sting was in the ring so maybe he is worth all this hype.

Other show observations:

- I got to find out who won the sexiest wrestler award and the winner was . . . Z-man
Agree to disagree

- I might not think he's good looking but his match against Beautiful Bobby was. It was better than the opening match.

- Neckbreakers are one of my favorite standard wrestling move.

- The York foundation made an acquisition  but all I could see was the ridiculously huge computer calculator thing.

- The free birds had the coolest theme so cool they sang and danced to it while entering the ring.

- The ref for the tag match was literally the worst . . . he missed . . . . everything.

- I found out Sid Vicious was from wherever he damn well pleases which I found quite funny.

- Also found out Paul E. Dangerously has a thing for chicks in jazzercise outfits as simply seeing one caused him to lose the inter gender arm wrestling competition.

- I wanted to watch to a Brian Pillman match to see if he really was as similar to Dean Ambrose as everyone says he was.


- What I didn't know was back at this time he wasn't exactly the Pilman he was remembered as.

- The only similarity at this point was that they are both billed from Cincinnati Ohio

- Someone else who doesn't look like remember? Scott Steiner, other than an obscene wedgie he looked fairly . . . normal, not all veining and bleached blonde and scary.

-Something I need to remember? The post button, bye guys.